You are not alone. Where there is help, there is hope.
Problem Gambling Services of RI
A behavioral health service of Codac, Inc.
Confidential 24 hour helpline 1-877-9GAMBLE (1-877-942-6253)
When does Gambling become PROBLEM GAMBLING?
If you are unsure whether or not you may have a gambling problem, read the following simple checklist for self-assessment. If you can relate to at least four of these behaviors, you may be facing a gambling addiction.
Are you constantly thinking about gambling? Always planning the next time you can go, or thinking about ways of getting money to use to gamble?
Has the amount of money you gamble and the amount of time you spend gambling increased, trying to get the same feelings of excitement and enjoyment you used to get?
Do you ever promise yourself "just one more time, then Iwill stop gambling" – but you have not been able to stop?
Has trying to stop, not being able to gamble, or trying to cut down, caused you to become depressed, moody, or anxious?
Do you ever use gambling as a way of ignoring problems or stress in your life? Do you use gambling as a way to avoid dealing with your life or uncomfortable feelings of guilt, anxiety, or depression.
Do you ever try to win back the money you lost by going more often and increasing the size of your bets?
Are you hiding the amounts of money and time you gamble from your family, loved ones, or significant others?
Have you ever committed fraud or theft to get money to gamble with? This includes writing bad checks, stealing money from your employer, and taking money from family members, friends, or anyone else to have money to gamble.
Has gambling destroyed personal relationships with family and friends? Has gambling affected your work relationships?
Have you borrowed from family or friends and/or filed for bankruptcy to pay off gambling debts?